Sunday, November 2, 2008

New Shirt.Woot derby entry

Thought I'd throw something together for this week's derby at shirt.woot. The theme is "video games through art history". I decided on a portal reference, the beloved companion cube, and drew it up in an art deco style. Seems a bit more of an architectural art deco style but I like it nonetheless. My favorite part is the angel in the center. Certainly there is room for improvement but I'm satisfied nonetheless.


  1. Hey Artulo, I really like your designs. I'm started a website called and I want to get some sick shirt designs to launch with. I am running a contest right now to get things going. I hope to see a few submissions from you.
    P.S. I would really appreciate it if you could shoot me an email and let me know what you think of my site.

  2. Hey Chris - I'll be sure to check it out. Thanks for your comment!
